Friday, March 28, 2008

Caption Form berjalan + Background gonta-ganti

Ini adalah contoh program sederhana membuat caption pada form
berpindah huruf pertama ke belakang dan seterusnya.
Juga cara sederhana mengganti warna latar belakang form.

Hal ini sebenarnya sangat sederhana....
Kita hanya menggunakan fungsi manipulasi string (left dan right)
serta Qbcolor (u/ ganti warna)...

source code:

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
  Me.BackColor = QBColor(Rnd * 15)
End Sub

Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
  a = Left(Me.Caption, 1)
  b = Right(Me.Caption, Len(Me.Caption) - 1)
  Me.Caption = b & a
End Sub


Jangan lupa letakkan 2 timer di form. Set Enabled=true dan Interval=100 (berarti 100 ms).
Selamat mencoba....have a nice day!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Daily Agenda

Yes, this application i create for my self at the first aim...
but, i think it would be usefull for other...
so, i decide to publish it...
i use it as a daily agenda, so it can remainds me what i must do at certain day and certain time...
i use MS ACCESS as a database and vb 6 as a programming as usual...
clik here to download all...
have a nice day!...